How to Make Old-Fashioned Swedish Glogg

Glögg,gløggorglögiisaspiced,oftenalcoholic,mulledwine,orspiritofSwedishorigin.ItisatraditionalSwedishdrinkduringwinter, ...,Thisparticularrecipeismadewithredwine,rum,bourbon,brandy,warmspicesandsomefruit.Thewarmliquidraisesthetemperatureofthemout...。參考影片的文章的如下:



Glögg, gløgg or glögi is a spiced, often alcoholic, mulled wine, or spirit of Swedish origin. It is a traditional Swedish drink during winter, ...

Glogg (Swedish Mulled Wine)

This particular recipe is made with red wine, rum, bourbon, brandy, warm spices and some fruit. The warm liquid raises the temperature of the mouth and stomach.

Glögg and schnapps in Sweden

Glögg is the Swedish version of mulled wine, and schnapps is flavoured aquavit. Both are a part of the Swedish culinary tradition.

Swedish Glögg

評分 5.0 (2) · 2 小時 15 分鐘 · An easy and delicious recipe for classic Swedish mulled wine. It will keep you warm and cozy all winter long.

Old-Fashioned Swedish Glögg Recipe

評分 4.9 (35) · 1 小時 45 分鐘 · Glögg is a fragrant Swedish spiced wine punch spiked with whiskey and rum. You'll feel the heat when you serve this mulled wine for the ...

Swedish Glögg Recipe

評分 4.5 (25) · Strain vodka through a fine-mesh sieve into a large saucepan; discard spices. Add wine, port, granulated sugar, vanilla sugar, almonds, and ...

Swedish Glögg: Hot Mulled Spiced Wine

評分 4.8 (4) · 45 分鐘 · Glögg (pronounce the ö like the oo in foot) is red wine and spirits, sugared, spiced, simmered ('mulled') and served hot, usually with raisins and almonds ...

Glögg (Nordic Mulled Wine)

50 分鐘 A hot mulled wine made with sugar, spices, sometimes liquor, and more. It's a wintertime favorite in much of Scandinavia and the Nordic region.

Perfect Swedish Glögg Recipe

評分 5.0 (1) · 40 分鐘 · Glögg is a timeless classic that's easy to make at home. Simply simmer red wine with a blend of warming spices like cinnamon, whole cloves, and ...

Traditional Swedish Glögg Recipe

評分 4.3 (71) · 1 小時 17 分鐘 · Ingredients · 1 bottle red wine · 1 1/2 cups bourbon, or vodka, optional · 1/2 cup sugar · 2 tablespoons orange zest · 2 tablespoons raisins, ...


Glögg,gløggorglögiisaspiced,oftenalcoholic,mulledwine,orspiritofSwedishorigin.ItisatraditionalSwedishdrinkduringwinter, ...,Thisparticularrecipeismadewithredwine,rum,bourbon,brandy,warmspicesandsomefruit.Thewarmliquidraisesthetemperatureofthemouthandstomach.,GlöggistheSwedishversionofmulledwine,andschnappsisflavouredaquavit.BothareapartoftheSwedishculinarytradition.,評分5.0(2)·2小時15分鐘·Anea...